All are welcome to a weekly, in-person Summer Bible Study - a study of that day’s lessons and scripture - where you can share your thoughts and ask questions. Anyone middle school and older would enjoy participating. Bible Study will not be held on August 1st due to the Outdoor worship service taking place at…
All are invited to the installation service and reception for Pastor Lydia Posselt on Sunday, August 29 at 3:00 PM. Pastor Lydia was called to Emmanuel as the Pastor for Evangelism & Mission in December of 2020 and we are excited to finally be able to install and celebrate her. Please RSVP here to attend…
God’s Work, Our Hands Weekend is Saturday September 11th and Sunday September 12th. ELC and Vienna Presbyterian have partnered to co-sponsor “Vienna Earth Care Day” on Saturday, from 10 AM to noon, following the 9-11 memorial service. Emmanuel is hosting projects at Southside Park, and we especially need project leaders at Southside for these areas:…
For anyone who is interested in learning to speak English, our free classes begin on September 14 at 7:00 PM. During this first meeting, we will work out the details of the best days and times to meet regularly for class. Contact Kathy Uffelman with any questions.
If you are losing sleep over handling your parents’ needs on top of your own, join us for this presentation. You will learn practical ways to have the heart-to-heart conversation with your loved ones about the future. You’ll get a list of essential legal documents that become even more important as you age. You will…
As part of the worship experience at Emmanuel, we want to make sure that all who walk through the church doors or worship online are welcomed and feel invited to participate in what God is up to around here! Our worship hospitality team, composed of ushers and greeters, helps direct visitors to their destination, offers…
Wednesday Worship begins again on Wednesday, September 22 from 7:00-7:30 PM. Come in-person, or participate online from our Facebook page. This worship service provides an opportunity to reflect and reset midweek, with Holy Communion provided as well.
In place of our usual Fall retreat, all are invited to Emmanuel Day at Camp Highroads on September 25 from 10:00 - 4:00 PM. This event will be almost entirely outdoors. Cost is only $30 per family which includes archery, canoeing, a trip through the bamboo forest, feeding horses, games, and s’mores. Mark your calendars and register below*!…
There you sit, in the middle seat of life … sandwiched between a parent wistfully wandering through the later years of retirement and your teenager, scrolling through college catalogs on their phone. All the while you’re wondering if you’re going to have enough for yourself for retirement. It’s a situation many people find themselves in,…