There you sit, in the middle seat of life … sandwiched between a parent wistfully wandering through the later years of retirement and your teenager, scrolling through college catalogs on their phone. All the while you’re wondering if you’re going to have enough for yourself for retirement. It’s a situation many people find themselves in,…
Members of the Emmanuel Council and the Stewardship team will be providing an update on the new strategic plan and the upcoming Fall Stewardship campaign. Come to the Sanctuary at 10:15 AM to discuss these important updates from church leadership.
We are excited to announce that we have FINALLY been able to schedule a date for our Reconciling in Christ Celebration Sunday: October 10! Emmanuel became an RIC congregation back in June 2020 after we approved our welcoming statement during the congregational meeting. We are looking forward to celebrating our welcoming statement and openness to all of…
All are welcome to the annual Trunk 'N Treat event from 4:30 - 6:30 on Saturday, October 23! Costumes are encouraged and please wear a mask for the safety of our littlest saints! If you plan to decorate a trunk, come at 3:45 PM to set up. Trunks will be ready by 4:30 PM for…
"Nailed It!! Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Lutherans But Were too Afraid to Ask" Join Pastor Lydia in an exploration of our Lutheran heritage, the ELCA, and how Emmanuel fits into the larger Christian Church. Learn the definition of a "synod," who Elizabeth Eaton is, what "Evangelical" really means and why it's…
All are invited to read the first section of My Grandmother's Hands by Resmaa Menakem and then participate in the 2nd meeting of the book discussion led by Pastor Lydia on October 26 at 7:00 PM in the Courtyard. If the weather does not cooperate, we will move inside to the Centrum so please bring…
Sunday, October 31 is Confirmation and Reformation Sunday. All are invited to celebrate the affirmation of baptism for our youth during worship, followed by a church-wide brunch for all to enjoy. There will be no faith formation classes after worship so all can participate in this celebration. If you are able to help with setup/clean…
Emmanuel's 2022 Stewardship Campaign titled "Relationships Grow Here" is underway! The goal is to increase congregational weekly giving by $5,200 during the 2022 calendar year. All are invited to prayerfully consider making a commitment to support the ministries and mission of Emmanuel no later than Sunday, October 31! View more information about the campaign and…