2025 Grant Process

Due to the amazing response and generosity of Emmanuel members and friends, the Endowment Team Grant Committee is pleased to announce the opening of the 2025 grant application process.

The Endowment provides grants to 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) charitable organizations, including Emmanuel, to support projects or ministries that align with Emmanuel’s mission and help us carry forward God’s work in our congregation, our community, and our world in a way that extends beyond our annual operating budget.

Available Grants

The Endowment invests the donations it receives and uses the income and earnings to provide grant funding for two purposes: Community Impact and ELC Facility Care.

Community Impact

Community Impact grants may be used to transform or enhance one of Emmanuel’s existing ministries or to launch a new ministry. A Community Impact grant also may be directed to 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) charitable organizations other than Emmanuel.

ELC Facility Care

ELC Facility Care grants are used to care for Emmanuel’s church facility, including maintaining, managing, and improving the physical campus or financing future technological needs.

Grant Application is open and will close February 21, 2025

To apply for an Endowment Grant, you must complete and submit the Endowment Grant Application Form on or before February 21, 2025.

The Grant Application Form can be submitted by:

  • Download the application and email to grants@emmanuellutheranvienna.org
  • Download the application and mail it to the Church office at:
    Emmanuel Lutheran Church and Preschool
    Attn: Endowment Grant Committee
    2589 Chain Bridge Road
    Vienna, VA 22181

Review Process

The ELC Endowment Team will review all Endowment Grant Applications to determine which, if any, will receive funding. The Endowment Team will notify all grant seekers about the disposition of their requests, whether positive or negative, on or before March 21, 2025. Notifications will be made in writing via email and will be sent to the person who submitted the grant application.

Once all grants are awarded in each annual funding cycle, applications for grants that were declined become void. To be considered for a grant in the next annual funding cycle, an applicant or ELC sponsor must submit a new Endowment Grant Application Form.

At its sole discretion, the Endowment Committee may consider out-of-cycle grant requests on an emergency or urgent basis, based on the circumstances presented in the grant application.  To request an out-of-cycle grant, an applicant is required to submit a physical copy of a completed Endowment Grant Application to Emmanuel’s church office.  The completed application must comply with all requirements set forth in the application.