We'd Love to Connect!
On Sunday morning, please stop by our welcome center just outside our worship space. We have information about our ministries, and feel free to chat with one of our greeters. You will also receive a welcome bag with gifts as well as more information and ways to connect.
We invite you also to speak with a pastor or our office staff about your interest in Emmanuel or any questions you may have.
If you are not baptized but are interested in learning more, please reach out by clicking below. Baptism is not just for infants, we regularly have the honor of baptizing youth and adults during our worship services.

Interested in Becoming a Member?
Whether you recently moved or have been in the area many years, whether you come from a Lutheran background or have never gone to a church regularly before, we are thrilled to have you part of this community of faith! As members, we seek to follow the teaching and example of Jesus, participate in the work of the body of Christ and in the mission we share, bearing God’s creative and redeeming word to all the world with our time, talents, possessions, tithes, hearts, minds, and strength.
As a part of this community of faith, we hope that you consider:
- participating in worship regularly, both in person and online
- signing up for our weekly email newsletter with information, events, and service opportunities (sign up below)
- Praying for and with the community of Emmanuel and the world
- reaching out to our pastors for prayer concerns or needs
- trying out a small group, book study, or our regular fellowship events
- serving with one of our many community ministries
- setting up a recurring donation of any size to support our mission and ministries using Tith.ly
- bringing friends and family along as you worship and serve!
We host multiple new member interest brunch events every year and can welcome you as a new member any Sunday!