Pastor Lydia- Thank you and See You Soon!

Thank you to all who participated and helped with our first ever Welcome Sunday on May 1 sponsored by our Invite, Welcome, and Connect team! We had so much fun and learned a lot. We will definitely do this again and hopefully bring it back year after year. 


As you read this, I will already be on maternity leave, until mid or late August. I will definitely be back for this fall, and there are already lots of exciting things in the works! Until then, I’ll leave you with the Posselt Family Prayer, which I shared in my sermon on Easter Sunday. It’s a prayer that I grew up praying with my dad’s side of the family for every family gathering. The last 2 “parts” are from Psalm 118. 


Posselt Family Prayer 

Come, Lord Jesus, Be our guest. 

Let these gifts to us be blessed, amen. 

O give thanks unto the Lord for he is good, 

His mercy endures forever. 

This is the day that the Lord has made, 

Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Amen.