Zoom Meeting

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Events at this venue

Mental Health & Resiliency Workshop with Shirley Clark

Zoom Meeting

Living into our best life when times are difficult: Keys for mental wellness The disruptions of the past year have affected us all in different ways. Many of us have carried additional stress as we have navigated – and continue to navigate the challenges the pandemic has brought to us individually and collectively, including how…

Virtual Trip to Village of Hope in Haiti

Zoom Meeting

Join Village of Hope staff members Field Director, Maryse Sterlin, and Executive Director, Dan Zieschang, on a virtual tour of the campus of the Village of Hope in Ganthier, Haiti on June 23 at 7:00 PM on Zoom. Your generous donations to special fundraising appeals and student sponsorships, along with those from others around the U.S., have…

Weekly Lectionary Bible Study Begins

Zoom Meeting

This summer, beginning on June 20th at 10:15am, you can look forward to a weekly, in-person Lectionary Study (a study of that day’s lessons and scripture) where you can share your thoughts and ask questions. Anyone middle school and older would enjoy participating. We will skip July 4th.

Thrivent Financial Services Seminar

Zoom Meeting

All are invited to an online seminar presented by Mary Lou Marshall and Victoria Neeley of Thrivent Financial Services and members of the Emmanuel Endowment Team! Will Taxes Affect Your Retirement? Learn key concepts that strategically manage your tax burden while paying your fair share. Gain understanding regarding social security taxes and receive resources to…

Council Forum

Zoom Meeting

All members of Emmanuel are invited to a Council forum THIS SUNDAY to discuss and learn more about some of the agenda items that will be voted on during the Congregational Meeting, including: 1- Celebrating our mission and programs 2 - Managing our gifts 3 - Planning Ahead (Budget, Strategic Plan, Property Updates & Endowment)…