Members and former members of Emmanuel Lutheran Church as well as their immediate family members (spouse, parents, children) are entitled to purchase niches in the Emmanuel Columbarium which is located in a landscaped memorial garden near the western boundary of the Emmanuel Lutheran Church property.
With the approval of the Lead Pastor and congregation council, niches may also be made available to those who are not members of Emmanuel.
Why Invest in a
Columbarium Niche?
Cremation (returning the body to ashes) has become an increasingly accepted alternative to in-ground burial. However, many families still wish to have a memorial place for their loved one’s ashes.
A niche in a columbarium is affordable, and ecologically sound. The Emmanuel Columbarium is a curved, granite unit consisting of 112 individual niches, configured in four rows of 28 niches each.
The “quiet” design of the Emmanuel Columbarium invites solitary contemplation and meditation as well as a gathering place for family and friends to assemble in prayer, love and remembrance.

How Much Does a Niche Cost?
The total price for one niche (16" deep, made of nylene), which includes perpetual maintenance and space for up to two (2) urns:
For Emmanuel Members & their Families - $1,500
For Non-Emmanuel Members - $1,750*
*must receive approval from the Lead Pastor and congregation Council.
Because special vessels or urns for the remains of loved ones vary, the niche cost does not include the cost of such a container.
Connect with ELC Columbarium Team
If you are interested in learning more about the Emmanuel Columbarium or you have questions, please complete the form below.
You will then be contacted by a church staff person or a member of the ELC Columbarium team, who can provide details of the next steps.