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Faith Forum: Scouting at ELC
February 14, 2021 @ 10:15 am - 11:15 am

For more than 60 years, Emmanuel has supported Boy Scouts of America. Why? Meet leaders from our Troops and Pack in this forum and find out how we serve our community through this outdoor-grounded leadership program for youth. You will learn about: the BSA’s “Duty to God and country”; activities of the Boys’ Troop 987, Girls’ Troop 987, and Cub Scout Pack 987; and the benefits that youth and Emmanuel get from Scouting.
Join Zoom Meeting Link:https://zoom.us/j/96298698341?pwd=ajFiR0R0VU9JY0JHQWEva0llTDNvUT09
Meeting ID: 962 9869 8341
Passcode: 793611
Dial in option: (929) 205-6099