Lights, Camera, Lent Appeal
Supporting Afghan Family Refugee Ministry, Youth Summer Mission Trip, and Young Adult Trip at Emmanuel
Leave the name of the staff member that you are voting for in the comments of your donation!
Donations Up To $99 = 1 Vote; Donations From $100 Up To $249 = 125 Votes; Donations $250 and Up = 300 Votes

What does this appeal support?
Through our Lights, Camera, Lent Appeal, you are invited to help us raise $35,000 together to support three ministries of Emmanuel this year:
The Afghan Refugee Family Ministry
This ministry has been working to support the Z Family, a family of Afghan refugees, as they continue their transition to a new life in Northern Virginia. Through your generosity in 2021, we have been able to help the children get enrolled in and attend school as well as move the family into a place they can call home. Funding for this family provided by Lutheran Social Services National Capital Area ends this month.
Your generosity to this special appeal will help support the Z Family for the next two to three years as they continue to settle into the community and grow into financial stability.
Emmanuel Youth are headed to Philadelphia on their Summer Mission Trip. As part of the Philadelphia Project (a sister organization to the Pittsburgh Project), our youth will serve within the community of Philadelphia, and build relationships with the youth and congregations serving alongside them.
We will worship and serve together, all while sharing in faith during an unforgettable week.
Your generosity to this special appeal will help cover registration fees, transportation costs, and provide scholarships so that this faith-building experience is accessible to all.
Emmanuel Young Adults will be traveling to Colorado for a backpacking adventure through the mountains this August. At Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp, we will be able to disconnect from the digital world for a week, providing space to connect with God, nature, and each other. Our focus will be on relationship building and deeper conversations about our faith and God’s beautiful creation.
Your generosity to this special appeal will help to cover transportation costs, making this opportunity more affordable for our young adults in a new ministry of our first young adult trip.
What are the votes about?
We are going to have a little fun with our Lent appeal this year with a movie theme “Lights, Camera, Lent Appeal.”
Through your donations, you will be voting for which of our four “star” staff members (Pastor Tony, Pastor Lydia, Kathy, or Christian) you would like to rescue from being a red-carpet fashion spectacle. The three staff members that receive the lowest amount of votes will have to wear a ridiculous outfit for an entire week. There will be photos!
The outfits will be identical and have been pieced together by the participating staff members. The items include tie-dye shirts, fake tattoo sleeves, ridiculous ties, and Christmas headbands.
Look forward to weekly videos highlighting one of the three ministries being supported while also giving our staff members a chance to plead their cases for your vote!
HOW TO vote/donate
Donations Up To $99 = 1 Vote
Donations From $100 Up To $249 = 125 Votes
Donations $250 and Up = 300 Votes
You can donate and vote as many times as you would like during the special appeal, which ends on Sunday, April 3. You can support this appeal in two ways:
1. Give online through Tithe.ly - select the Lights, Camera, Lent Appeal tab and then type in the staff member you would like to vote for in the comment section.
2. Give by Check - please make the check out to Emmanuel Lutheran Church and write Lent Appeal and the staff member’s name in the memo line. You can either drop your check in the offering plate or mail it to the church office:
ELC Vienna
2589 Chain Bridge Rd.
Vienna, VA 22181
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