Wherever you are at in your life, we want to walk with you to become the person God has called you to be. Maybe you’re…
- looking to be God's hands and connect with others through service
- struggling to find community or re-engage with a Christian community
- trying to grow in your relationship with Jesus
- supporting the faith journey of little ones in your home
- searching for grace in a world that feels harsh sometimes
At Emmanuel, you will find friends who will support and explore faith with you.
Visiting on Sunday
Sundays, Mid-September through May:
9:00 AM | Contemporary Worship
10:00 AM | Faith Formation for ages 3 through adult
11:00 AM | Traditional Worship
Summer and Special Sundays (Check our main page, weekly newsletter, or Facebook page):
10:00 AM | Blended Worship
Holy Communion every service (all are welcome)
We are located at:
2589 Chain Bridge Road, Vienna, VA 22181
What will my first visit be like?
- Please come as you are—however you’re comfortable!
- Everything you need for worship is projected at the front of the sanctuary and also online.
- Our greeters, ushers, and members will help you find your way or answer any questions about worship.
- Stop by the Welcome Center for a welcome bag with more information about us and some gifts!
- Children are welcome! More information below.
- We have accommodations for the hearing impaired and other needs.
- Coffee is provided, and often light refreshments.
- Faith Formation is between services, for ages 3 through adult. All are welcome to join! Stop by our Welcome Center for locations and directions.

How will my children be welcomed?
- Activity bags are available and an unstaffed nursery is open with a bathroom and changing facilities, and wifi for streaming worship.
- During worship, children are invited forward for a children's sermon with a Pastor. Then they welcome to attend a children's chapel time with a teacher, and will be released at the hymn that follows the sermon.
- Faith Formation classes meet at 10 AM during the program year, beginning with age 3.
- Confirmation classes are available for middle school students
- High school youth can build friendships at Sunday morning youth group.
Faith is Always Growing
No matter your age, we can always grow in faith and our understanding of the Bible, and ask questions with an affirming community.
Opportunities are available for adults and children to continue to explore their faith and love for their neighbors, on Sunday mornings and at special events throughout the year.
You can also find a community through a variety of small groups and Bible studies that meet throughout the week.

Our Unity is in Christ
In June 2020, Emmanuel became a Reconciling in Christ congregation and has made a public commitment to welcome, include, and celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) people and their loved ones. We welcome and affirm full participation by all because God loves and welcomes all.
The Church and Christians have historically excluded and persecuted LGBTQIA+ people. We pray for forgiveness for our part in harming God's beautiful people. We are committed to continuing our work for justice for the LGBTQIA+ community.